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Feature projects

Every Child Deserves The Opportunity To Learn

Education Image

Why Education

Education is essential for personal and societal development. It empowers individuals and builds stronger communities.


  • Access to quality education for all
  • Lifelong learning opportunities
  • Community engagement in educational initiatives
  • Technology integration in education

Impact Analysis


Number of Projects: 10

Locations: Accra, Kumasi, Tamale


Number of Projects: 13

Locations: Cape Coast, Sunyani, Ho


Number of Projects: 20

Locations: Accra, Kumasi, Tamale

Stories of Change

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Providing Daily School Meals

Providing Daily School Feeding for school children at Suhum Besease.

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Donating Laptops to Teachers and Outstanding Students

Providing laptops for school children who are brilliant at Suhum Besease as well as most performing teachers.

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Fostering Active Learning

Engaging School-Going Children at Suhum Besease

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